The Bio-Vlog
Read Richard's life story and watch his videos.
Table Talk 4
“At my table I’m interviewing some of the first members of the Lamb’s Players theater troupe and they are, Lynn Hansen, Glen and Bernelle Hansen, and actor Randy Baker. Can you each share some of Richard’s early characteristics?”“Yes, Jon,” Lynn Hansen says, “in 1972 we…
Read MoreDo Something: BioVlog 29 of 384
I slowly regain consciousness, and stumble my way to the apartment laundry room. I flop to the floor and lean up against a washing machine. My body battered and aching, I cry out, “God, please help me!” Some stranger finds me in the laundry room.…
Read MoreCreator of Everything: BioVlog 30 of 384
As I am tromping across the grassy field I notice three blurry shadows. It is two guys and a girl sitting on the grass. In an act of weakness from my resolve to quit using drugs, I casually approach them and ask, “Do you have…
Read MoreShe Can’t See This: BioVlog 28 of 384
When the heroin cocktail hits my heart I start convulsing and gasping for air. I can’t breathe! Terrified, I think, “I’m gonna die!” My body is bouncing and flopping off the floor like a fish out of water. I lay there continuing to gasp, choke…
Read MoreHeroine Hot-Shot: BioVlog 27 of 384
Everything comes to a nasty end when my partner, Doug, thinks I cheated him. Doug and our supplier, Big Tom, try to kill me with a hot-shot. Big Tom holds up a large “kit” (a homemade device for shooting-up) that has an extra-large eye-dropper attached…
Read MoreCracking Locks: BioVlog 26 of 384
I have been assigned to attend what is called Adaptive PE for the blind and partially-sighted students. It is here where I earn added respect from Doug when I showcase my talent for using my touch to crack the gym locks. I become quite proficient…
Read MoreHollow Decks: BioVlog 25 of 384
“Hey Doug,” I say proud with my clever new idea, “Look what I came up with. This is an ingenious way to hide our stash of drugs… What I did is hollow out the bottom half of a deck of cards and then glue them…
Read MoreSecret Hole: BioVlog 24 of 384
In the fall of 1968 I start high school. I am bored with all my classes except for two. I have an affinity for art and drama. Unfortunately, from a moral standpoint, these classes attract other non-conformists, outcasts, and druggies. What draws me to them…
Read MoreSubconscious in external Space: BioVlog 23 of 384
After the LSD is out of my system, I feel somehow physically and subtly altered. Where I imagine my soul should be, instead there lives a feeling of emptiness, where fear slithers, coils and strikes like an evil serpent. There is also another strange reaction…
Read MoreTwisted Colors: BioVlog 22 of 384
I took the Purple Haze and I’m nervously waiting. The powerful tab of LSD starts to take effect over the next hour. It is really bad! I’m lost! What vision I have is all twisted around with objects and colors flying everywhere, and everything sounds…
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(In chronological order)